My dear blogy friend Natasa from Leptir and another blog, Mama Kangourou, nominated us for this Sweet Award!! She's so inspiring, I always enjoy visit her blog and read about her originals ideas, trays..... And Enjoy to watch her classroom, so beautiful and the way she prepared her shelves..... So INSPIRING, if you don't have the opportunity jet of visit her blog, YOU HAVE TO!!! MamaKangourou blog it's on French, but using the translate tool I'm enjoy reading this fabulous blog!!! Thank you Girls!!!
The rules:
Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
- Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
- Put the award on your blog.
- Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment on their blog.
My top 10 Sweet Bloggers

1. Agradecer aquien te otorgo el Premio/Say thanks to the person who gave me this award.
No se imaginan que una Escuela Montessori, Discovering Montessori, me nomine, wow!!! Que emocion, muchas gracias!!!! Me encanta este blog, pues puedes observar diversos ninos trabajando, los materiales, el salon, .... todo!!! Super Fascinante y muy inspirador!! Gracias!!
You can't imagine how excited I am with this award, because it's a school!! that give it to me!!!! I love this blog!!... It's so Inspiring, read and see all this kids working like us, the materials, the classroom!!!.... Everything!!! Fascinating and so Inspiring!! Thanks you!!!
2. Compartir siete cosas de mi / Share seven things about myself
- Soy la unica en la familia con la "diferente" idea de educar en la casa/ I'm the only one on the family with the "different idea" of Homeschooling!!
- Me fascina cocinar e inventar platos nuevos/ I love to cook and try new things on the kitchen.
- Soy una Adicta a compras de materiales Montessori o cosas que pueda adpatar!! / I'm a Montessori materials shoppaholic!!!
- Tenemos 13 años de casados y mi primera princesa nacio cuando cumpliamos el 9no aniversario, el mismo dia!! / We have 13 years of marriage and my first princess born the same day we celebrate our 9 aniversary!!
- Soy la segunda de tres hermanos (somos 2 chicas y 1 varon) / I'm a middle child (2 girls 1 boy).
- Me FASCINA hacer Scrapbooking (aunque casi no lo hago!!lol) / I love Scrapbooking, (But I don't have time to do it!!lol
- Soy Maestra de Escuela Biblica en Nuestra Iglesia del Grupo de 16 en adelante hasta universitarios / I'm a Bible School Teacher on our Church of the 16 and over group.
- Me FASCINA buscar material montessori, imprimir, laminar y cortar!!... Es una terapia!!/ I love to look out for Monti Material, print, laminated, and cut!! It's like a therapy!
3. Pasar el Premio a 10 blogs que leo y que me parecen Fantasticos /Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who I have recently discovered and think are fantastic!
Los mismos que nomine arriba!!! ME FASCINAN
The same 10 that I nominated before.... I just LOVE THEM!!
Gracias mil por los premios, Una emocion que les encante leer nuestras aventuras y experiencias diarias... Un honor!! Reciban un abrazote y besito nuestro!!!
Thank you so much for the awards, It's so exciting that you enjoy reading about our daily experiences and adventues... An Honor!!! Please received a Big Hug and a kiss!!!
5 comentarios:
Thank you!
Que linda! Gracias por el honor! Yo creia que estabas pariendo. O es que estas blogueando desde el hospital. A tu esposito que no se olvide de llamar a todas nosotras las mamas Montessori-boricuas cuando te vayas de parto. Un besote! Y ahora me voy ya que Yn me esta sacando de la PC para usarla. QUE REMEDIO!
PD: Verifica la contestacion 2.5 Me mori de la risa. :D
Hello Karen! Thanks for the award! What an honour!! :) You've just given me My first blog award! hahaha.
Thank you so much Karen. I love your blog all about your princess too! Not long now I'm until you have the other one. You must be starting to get impatient wanting to meet your new baby! Can't wait to hear all about it when she comes. Hugs xx
Gracias por el premio!
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