miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

El rincón de Meriendas - Snack corner

Como ya la princesa abre la nevera!!! He reservado un espacio en ella, le llamamos el rinconcito de las meriendas, donde tiene: agua, juguitos 100% jugo!!, sus yougurt fav. los de Dora...obvio!! y el bowl con la fruta del dia!! ya picadita. Ha sido un éxito.!!! lo copie de un video en youtube Montessori at home part 1, y me pareció una excelente idea.!!

I reserve a little space in our refrigerator, because my princess can open it!!, we called "the snack corner"!! it contains: water, 100% juice, Dora's yougurt (her favorite) and a little bowl with the fruit of the day!! I got it from a video on youtube, (Montessori at home part 1) and I love it!! It's a great idea!!. (I try hard on English!! I hope not make too may errors!! If I do....forgive me!!!!! lol

2 comentarios:

Jedda dijo...

I love your ideas! We are trying to learn Spanish and your blog is helpful to read in both languages!

Karen dijo...

Thank Jedda!!! I'm happy to help with your Spanish!! I'm learning with my English as well!!!