Hoy hicimos muchas cositas interesantes...., pero trabajamos mucho de vida práctica!!! Que es lo más que le gusta a mi princess!!! Les pasa a ustedes lo mismo??? Anyway, en My Montessori Journey, ella explica lo MUY IMPORTANTE que es la Vida Práctica, el tener un área de VP super chevere, pues del buen trabajo y desempeño de los niños en esta área, van a depender en gran medida las demás; y yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con ella.... Leía en Teaching Montessori in the Home The Pre-school years... Que "los ejercicios de VP están diseñados para enseñarle al nino funcionar y desenvolverse en su propio ambiente. El aprenderá que hay una forma correcta de hacer lo que sea necesario en el hogar. Así que si el nino quiere ayudar, que ayude!! dejalo, pues a ellos le FASCINA imitar a los adultos y hacer la cama, limpiar o barrer para ellos es divertido!! A mi princesa le fascina, LE ENCANTA!! así con sus 3 años, ella tiene deberes y yo le explico que los hace ya que son su responsabilidad no por que recibirá un premio por ello!!.
Today we made some interesting things..., but my princess spend a lot of time on the practical life area. It's the same thing in your house???lol, anyway, I was reading at My Montessori Journey, when she explained how important it's the practical life area, because of this one depends a better performance on the others....And I'm so agree with her....on Teaching Montessori in the Home The Pre-school years, of Elizabeth G. Hainstock, she said:"The practical life are designed to teach the child to function in his own evironment by teaching him how to cope with the things around him. He must learn that there is a correct way of doing whatever needs to be done in the house." Kids love to imitate us....making beds, and cleaning because for they that's FUN!!!!!OMG..... My princess it's my little helper!!! and I teach her to be responsible for his own room, and her stuff, and I gave her some chores!!! (little ones!!) because she just 3!! and I let her know that she have some because they are her responsibility, not because I will gave her a reward...... We have the Melissa and Dough responsibility chart.......(a ver como nos va!!!) (let's see how it's work????)!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comentario:
I love those little jugs and will need to have a hunt around for some for Immy to use.
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