La manana de Navidad fue muy especial, pues mi princesa, no podia creer que Santa habia venido y dejado tantos regalos!!! Estaba desesperada por abrirlos!! // Christmas morning was so special, my princess can't believe that Santa went and left so many gifts!!! She just want to open them!!

Justo como lo pedi!! Giselle de Andalacia!!(Ella es Giselle!!)lol // Just the way I asked!! Giselle from Andalacia (She's Giselle)!!!lol

Su nueva caja registradora con la cesta, productos, dinero, tarjetas y scaner!!! Nos encanta!!
Her new cash register!! with the basket, money, credit cards, and scaner!! Awesome!!!

The new games!!! a lot of fun!!
8 comentarios:
We recently got Monopoly Town too. We love it.
Me alegro que estés mejor Karen :)
No te preocupes por el post que te pedí, no corre prisa, cuando puedas no hay problema.
Tu niña es un amor, qué contenta se la ve :)
Un besito y felices días
meni :*
She is so cute and excited!
Hi Karen - just wanted to let you know I have an award for you on my blog! :) Hugs & Happy New Year!
Karen, Happy New Year! I have a little surprise for you on my blog! I gave you The Sunshine Award! Check it out :-)
Thank you!!!!!! Mary-Ann and Leptir!!! I'm so excited!!! It's a honor!! because I learned so much from you girls!!!!! Thank you, thank you!!
A big hug!!
Karen, you deserved the awards :-)
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