Last week we worked with an Alphabet puzzle, in one side have the letter and the name, the other the picture.
También trabajamos con la canasta de frutas...., y aunque no lo crean repasamos los nombres, pues en realidad los conoce casi todas y sus nombres en Inglés!! Ella quiere hablar Inglés!!. So we did it!!
We worked with the fruit basquet, and my princess want to SPEAK ENGLISH!!, so we mentioned the name of the fruits Spanish-English.,.!!! Uvas } Grapes!! We did it!!
En su bolsita del dia de San Valentín, le regalamos unos ponchadores de Melissa and Dough y este precioso altas de Discovery Kids... Estuvo observando y se decidió por Asia
In her Valentine´s Box we gave her some punches of melissa and Dough and this beautiful Atlas of the world from Discovery Kids... she decided for Asia.
We looking for her Asia Bowl and she start to find similar things on the box and in the Atlas... It was fun!!!
No mucho en esta área... mamá la convidó a trabajar con los palitos cortos del 1 al 6.... pero no hubo party ninguno!!lol Les pasa asi a ustedes??
She just don't look too much to this side!!LOL, momy invites her to use the small rods from 1 to 6, simple, quick and no "party"!!!lol that's it!!
Ahora estamos hablando!!, aqui hicimos este trabajo precioso!! (asi es como le llama!!) nos encanto a las dos, y nos dimos cuenta.... QUE NADA ES PERFECTO!!LOL (se suponia que eran la misma medida!!lol
Now we're talking!!! we worked this BEAUTIFUL job!!(that's how she called), we love it!! but we find... that's NOTHING ITS PERFECT!!!! It's supposed to fit!!
Le presente por primera vez de Bionomial Cube, estaba super atenta, muy interesada!! y del saque lo armó!! yo estaba en shock!!! no que dudara de ella, pero pensé que tal vez en su segundo intento!! OMG
I presented to her for the very first time the Bionomial Cube.... so interested and guess what??? she made it!!! I can't beleived!! from 1 presentation!!!OMG
She was presenting me the color box #2, but believe me!! that wasn't sensorial it was LANGUAGE, it was like this..... she was wispering because she knows that in this area we work in silence..... rojo-red.... marron-brown....LOL I almost die!!!lol
y continuo presentando todos los colores hasta que llego al gris....como se llama??? mom- "gray" honey,..... ahhhh.... gris-gray!!!
and she continues to introduce all the colores until she get to gray..... and she ask...what's the name??? momy- "gray, honey" ahhhhh.... gris-gray!!!lol
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