Esta semana le dimos muy duro al lenguaje, aqui con el "Sound bin" de la i...
Last week we worked a lot with language, here the letter Ii "Sound Bin"....
Luego de trabajar con el Caddy, trabajamos las letras en lija ya conocidas...., y saben que??, armamos algunas palabritas de 2 letras: si, no, mi, sol SUPER EMOCIONANTE!!
After the caddy work, we worked with the sand letters that she knows well, and you know what??, we build some words of 2 letters: (si, no, mi, sol) was so exciting!!!

Trabajamos with the "Count and counters" que publico Jeanette de Montessori en el Hogar aqui, Gracias Jeanette, por compartirlo!!
We worked with the count and counters charts that Jeanette from Montessori en el Hogar, published here, Thanks for share it!!
3 comentarios:
Lovely post!
I'd love for you to link up to my Mondays Montessori Moment and grab the button. You always have great Montessori posts!
Thanks for participating in Montessori Monday! I love how you had her fill in the letter with sparkles - what a fun way to combine language and fine motor. :)
Que actividades tan FABULOSAS! Pero imaginate, viniendo de ti, no era para menos. La chica esta trabajando tan bonito. Las felicito!!!
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