miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Spindle Box hecho en Casa / A Homemade Spindle Box!

Este "trabajito" sencillo es nuestro Spindle Box!!, me rehuso a comprarlo y sabia que lo podia hacer "homemade" asi se ve en la tablilla y no ocupa mucho espacio...

This easy work it's our Spindle Box, I just don't want to buy it, it's easy and with that money I can buy another materials that we need. Here it's the look, not too much space.!!

Para comenzar a trabajarlo, demas esta decirles que a mi princesa le encanto!! aunque en los numero altos se "enrredo" un poquito!!lol

The look before start, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that my princess just love it!!!! But at the end, she just "getting a little confuse" with higher #s.
Luego de la presentacion!!! Que les parece, a mi me encanto!! Si vamos a costo, les cuento que el pk de 3 canastas lo consegui en Walgreens a $1 en especial (hace un tiempito atras), + $1 el pk de sorbetos.... $5 mi Spindle box!!! los numeros ya los tenia impresos y laminados.... esto... NO TIENE PRECIO!!!

The final look!! Beleived or not, this it's a very cheap material, you can find the 3 pk baskets on Walgreens on sale for $1, x 4 it's $4 and the straws for $1. I have already the numbers printed and laminated The final cost $5!! PRICELESS!!

7 comentarios:

carine dijo...

Great idea! I would advise you to use straws of the same color like that your dd doesn't relay on the color to count!

Mommy Moment dijo...

What a great way to make your own spinal boxes! Thanks for sharing!

Gaby dijo...

Great idea, I like it! We will have to do this too.

Evelyn / 2 Pequenos Traviesos dijo...

Que lindo te quedo tu "spindle box" casero. Muy Funcional!Hay que inventarselas para ahorrar algo de vez en cuando. Eso es!
Me encantaron los sorbetos :)

Gigi dijo...

Looks great!

The girl who painted trees dijo...

Very clever and original idea. I used baby food jars for ours, and popsicle sticks:)


Deb Chitwood dijo...

I love that you came up with a creative and inexpensive alternative to buying spindle boxes! I featured your post and photo in my DIY Spindle Boxes at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2012/09/03/montessori-monday-diy-spindle-boxes/