Mi princessa está "juqueá" con su caballete y su área de arte!! Tanto así que estaba pintando con sus tempras, azul, amarilla y roja, y de momento me dice "mamá hice magia!!!, tengo color VERDE!!!" y luego creó ANARANJADO!! y decia que "sigo haciendo magia" obviamente le expliqué!! y se emocionó mezclando colores, creo terminó en negro y marrón!!! y soltó hasta el pincel y siguió con sus manos!! ESTABA FELIZ!!
My princess was so excited!! working with her easel, with her colors: blue, red and yellow, and she shop and said "Momy I made Magic!!, I have GREEN!!", and a few minutes later, she made ORANGE, and said again Ï''m doing Magic!!" Of curse, I explain to her about it!! But she was SO EXCITED!! she mixed all the colors!! and made this dark brown and just forget her brush and worked with her hands!!! SHE WAS SO HAPPY!!!
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