Encontré este rompecabezas de 15, para colocar la secuencia en 3 partes!!
Está chulo!!
I found this puzzle of 15, of 3 parts sequence!! It's beautiful!!
Esto es como para decorar un salón, pero lo voy a laminar para trabajar los sentidos, ESTA PRECIOSO!! Tiene muchas partecitas (las redondas que se ven) para parearlas!! y es en ambos idiomas!!
This it's for decorate a classroom, but, I will laminate them!! have a little parts for matching!! and it's in Spanish/English!! When I finish, I will post it again!!
Me fascinó esto para sensorial!!, le voy a tapar los # con dots y eventualmente, lo usaré para fracciones. Pero por ahora, para ella será super divertido armar un triangulo con muchos!! $7.80.
I love this one!!! I will use it in the sensorial area. I will put some dots on the numbers. She will love to build a triangle of triangles!!! only $7.80.!!
Esto está tan chulo, $2.29!!! con los # del 0-9!! en su cajita y todo.!!
This it's so cute!! Only $2.29!! with the #'s from 0-9!!
5 comentarios:
Where did you find the fraction
materials that you show
Hello Kathy!! Thanks for stopping by!! I found it in a Pharmacy, can you belive it??, and just $7.89 each one.
Yes, the fraction material is well made, I'm sure you will use it many times.
Karen, the fraction material is very similar to the Montessori fraction material for the "fraction" of the cost!!! Seriously... that is AWESOME. Did you get all of these at the pharmacy?
I purchased some of my puzzles - sequence work from Walgreens for $3 each puzzle. Was this a local pharmacy?
Sorry Gigi!!, I had a very busy weekend, (perdona no te contestara antes)!!. At the pharmacy, I buy the fractions materials,both the circle and triangle and the number puzzle (wood). That pharmacy it's on Quebradillas, and I went because a friend of mine, told me that the therapist of her work place (private school), got a beautiful and cheap material from there, so I WENT!!!jajaja AND ALSO I BUY A creative pattern game from Thinkfun, (I will post it later).
But in that pharmacy, there's a lot of cheap material!!! I also buy a clock ($2) and another puzzle number($2)too!!
The secuency puzzle and the five senses material I buy on a school supply on Aguadilla.!!
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