Una de esas tardes que quiere trabajar en la cocina!!jajaja (casi todas), en realidad me ayuda en la cocina, busca cosas en la alacena, en la nevera, anyway, ella queria trabajar con arroz; así que le preparé una bandeja y trabajó muuuucho rato; hasta que se le viró el envase del arroz, pero como ella le tiene solución a todito!! me dijo, "mamá no te preocupes, yo lo limpio" lol.
A tipical day that she just want to help in the kitchen!!lol, no she really help me in the kitchen, she bring me things from the refrigerator and from the pantry. Anyway, she just wanted to work with rice, so I prepared this tray with rice, and she had been so busy!! until by accident all the rice was on the floor!! and she just said "don't worry momy, I cleaned!! lol and she just did it!!!
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