Aqui comenzamos a participar en la seccion de
One Hook Wonder, Montessori Monday... que me encanta Nicole!! Espectacular!!... aqui comparto algunas de nuestras secciones de Montessori...
Today I start to participate on the
One Hook Wonder section, Montessori Monday... (one of my favorites, and I love it!!!) Thanks Nicole... Spectacular!!
Cucharear.... transferir con cuchara algo de pasta....
Spooning.... transfering with spoon, pasta

Sorry the third one, supposted to be the 2nd... ) anyway, she practice Cutting too.... she cut some veggies and added to the pasta....!! just like mom!!

Luego de cortar todos los vegetales, ella los unio de nuevo....
after cutting some veggies, she putting then back..

Transfiriendo agua utilizando un embudo.
Transfering water using a funnel.

Esta actividad la habia presentado antes, buscamos en las burbujas objetos, practicamos el sonido y buscamos el simbolo (letra) y los pareamos.
This activity I showed before, we find on the bubbles the objects, practice the sound and matched with the simbol (letter).

Objetos / Letras
Objects / Letters

Trabajamos las letras con lija y la bandeja de arena.
We worked with the sand letter and the sand tray.

Trabajando con los cilindros de colores
Working with the cylinders

Aqui le hice esta presentacion, una extension del las Escaleras Marron y la Torre Rosada....
Here I made her a presentation of the Brown Stairs and the Pink Tower, an extension...

Y luego ella hizo su propia version..... Les ha pasado??
And then she made her own version.... Is this happened to you??

Ella me hizo dos!!
She made me two...LOl
7 comentarios:
Thanks for sharing all of your fabulous work!
So many great things, Karen! Love your brown stairs - did you make them? I'm hoping to find a local carpenter who can make them (too expensive to ship these heavy blocks to Bermuda!)
Thanks Girls!!! Yes Mari-Ann, my brother did it!! both the Pink Tower and the BS when he cut the brown stairs the leftover was the pink tower!!!) I hope you find a great carpenter, because it's ease and cheap!!
Great lessons! Looks like you two had a lot of fun. We *just* did extensions with our pink tower and brown stair yesterday - great minds think alike! ;)
I like your practical life activities this week:)
Amiguita! Tremendo trabajo y muy completo y variado. Te felicito. Fijate, he estado considerando unirme al Montessori Monday. Vamos a ver... cuando me recupere.
Love those blocks! what a fab time you are all having. (:
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