I saw this work in Montessori Beginnings and I love it!! We work the sand letters, six for this week, I choose the ones that she confussed with, and three objects for each one.
Practicamos las letras, sonidos y pareo de letras con objetos. Muy interesante!!
Continuo trabajando con algunas extensiones de la Escalera Marron y la Torre Rosada
We practice letters, sounds and match objects with letters. Very interesting!!
She still working with the Botanical Puzzles, she just, LOVE THEM!!
Este trabajo tambien es de aqui, tengo que agradecer a Montessori Beginnins, pues gracias a ella encontre este fabuloso site. Gracias!!! Montessori Beginnings, por tus inspiradores trabajos y por compartirlos con nosotros.!!
I found this job here, but before continue, I just have to say THANKS to Montessori Begginins, because thru her I found this site and for all the inspiring works that she just love to share with us!!!!
She working again with some extensions on the Pink Tower and the Brown Stairs
Como esta y otra que comente aqui.
Like this one.... and the other that I talked here.
Tambien trabajo con los cilindros azules otra escalera para Cenicienta.
She also worked with the blue cylinders and made another stair for Cinderella.
Encontro este rompecabezas de M&D que no usaba hace mucho....
She found these M&D puzzle from long ago.
Tambien preparo muuuuchas galletas de animales con Play-Doh
She also prepared Play-Doh animal cookies.
5 comentarios:
Hi Karen! I have the cylinders but Bella has no interest in them. Anything you do to encourage her to use these? Maybe it is because she does it at school. I saw her working with them a few times.
I love all of the work that your Princes is doing!
Hi Gigi!! You know what, maybe that's an age thing!! When my princess work with the cylinders it's beacuse I said, "oh look this beautiful box, we can do a lot of beautiful works with them!! EVERYTHING IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!! just like that!!!
Hola! Que chulo el nuevo look del blog! No se, pero tiene como que algo de "boy", jajaja. Yo le voy a que es un nene. A ver si te sale un "travieso" por ahi.
Oye, explicame lo del gabinete botanico o como se llame. Estay bien lindo. Dame un tour por el.
Ay chica!!! será el fondo azul??, no sé llego la primavera!! son los colores!! En cuanto sepa te digo!!lol. te doy el tour ya mismo!!
I love your new look!
Your activities are great, as always!
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