My princess made this job a few times this week, it's SUPER GREAT, in first place we build this under the sea puzzle from Melissa and Dough of 100 pieces.
Luego mi princesa identifico los animales marinos (en objetos) y los pareo con el rompecabezas.
Then she identify all the sea creatures with objects and match them with the puzzle.
Y finalmente, yo le leia las tarjetas y ella las colocaba con el animal correspondiente.
And finally I read to her the little labes and she placed on the right place.
Como aqui ballena y calamar...
Here whale="ballena" and squid="calamar"
Nos fascino el ejercicio, esta muy completo pues trabajamos sensorial, colores, motor fino, lenguaje y trabajamos en equipo.... Merece la pena mencionar que el rompecabezas es de Marshalls y costo 7.99, igual tenemos el de insectos que lo consegui en $5 y los EU en $6.
We just love it!! its a very complete work because we work, sensorial, colors, fine motor, language, and team work!!! I buyed this puzzle on Marshalls for $7.99 , the bugs for $5 and the US by $6!! I will posted as soon we made them!!
Trabajo toda la semana con los tres rompecabezas del gavinete botanico, le fascina.
She worked all week with the botanical cabinet!! she just love it.
En math, mi princesa trabajo con un rompecabeza en foam donde tienes que armar el # y las cantidades a su vez trabajando con formas y colores.... estuvo muy bueno y este trabajo siempre le encanta.
In math, my princess worked with a foam puzzle where she have to builded with the #'s and quantities, at the same time she practice colors and shapes.... it's so nice and she love it.
No se como explicarlo,.... (les habia mencionado que mi princessa tiene pasion por las torres???), aqui trabajo con el reloj, me menciono todos los #s los coloco por formas y despues, adivinen que?? construyo una torre.!!
I don't know how explain this.... (did I mentioned that my princess LOVE TO BUILD towers????) Here she worked with the clock, said all the #'s and placed on the shapes places, and then....guess what??? She build a tower!!!!
This last week she was mi SUPER UPER LITTLE HELPER!! she washed some dishes...
Mapeo ..... ah... le fascinas mis chanclas!!
She cleaned the floor..... by the way, she just love my sandals!!
She made this ALL SINGLE DAYS!!, she made her bed... and place all her dolls.
She made a long rods extension.
Trabajo con la caja de colores #1, hay estuvo muy facil....definitivamente, perdi ese dinero!!
She worked with the Color Box#1, was too easy....I shoud by the #3 instead!!
7 comentarios:
I love how you had her label the puzzle - what a fabulous idea! Thanks for linking up to Montessori Monday. :)
I LOVE your "Under the sea" puzzle!!
Qué preciosidad de puzle Karen!! y tu princesa está para comérsela con tus chanclas, qué linda :)
Un besito :*
Me encanta tu bloc! Tienes un montón de buenas ideas!
It's so nice in the colours and it's such a lovely idea to use the word cards!
Wow!! Lots of amazing work by your princess! The under the sea puzzle is a great activity!
Thank you my dear "bloggy" friends!!!
Gisela, bienvenida y muchas gracias por pasar por aqui y dejar tan lindo comentario!!
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