martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Parque Educativo de Seguridad en el Transito

Tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar el Parque Educativo de Seguridad en el Transito, (PESET). Con el Grupo de Apoyo… Y los chic@s tuvieron una Super Divertida Experiencia …. al volante!!!! // We had the opportunity to visit the Educational Park of Traffic Safety (Peset) with the Support Group, And the kids had a Super Fun Experience .... driving!!


Primero tuvieron una charla… donde discutieron lo que es un Peaton, Ciclista y Conductor….  //  They first had a talk ... where they discussed what a Pedestrian, Cyclist and Driver


Repasaron las senales de Transito  // Then they reviewed Traffic signals ..



Ay que Bellas princesas!!!  Las amiguitas la pasaron Espectacular!! // Oh what a Beautiful Princesses!  The Spectacular girlfriends had a Super Great time!!!


Y luego… a la practica… algunos fueron el bicicleta.. //  And then ... to practice ... some of them used the bikes ..


Otros en autos!! // Another used cars!!


Conozcan la ciudad!! // And then… meeting the city!!



Practicaron lo aprendido, en una ciudad en miniatura!! super linda // They practice what they learned in the “little” city!!




Al final todos recieron su licencia de conducir!!!LOL Ciertamente una experiencia fantastica para los chiquitines y los grandes tambien!!!  //  By the end all drivers received their own Driver license!!  LOL Certainly it was a fantastic experience for the little ones and big too!!!

Gracias x visitarnos, por sus comentarios y Feliz Ensenanza Montessori!!  // Thanks for your visit and for your sweets comments and Happy Montessori Teaching!!

3 comentarios:

Stephanie dijo...

Wow! That is soooo cool! It looks like that was an amazing trip! Bunny said it looks really cool!

Karen dijo...

Yes Stephanie... I was amazing!!! in the night she told me she have a suuuper fun day, like vacations!!lol The "miniature" city it gorgeous!! sooo cute!! Thank you and thank you Bunny!! wish you lived near, so we can take you there!!! If you ever come to Puerto Rico, you have to visit us!!!

Marilyn dijo...

Que linda las fotos, me gusto la de ustedes 3. Las quiero...besos!!!