domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Nuestro mes ….- Our Month…


Lamento mucho no habler publicado nada durante este pasado mes…, hemos tenido ciertos cambios en nuestro hogar y nuestro ambiente, todo esta muy bien, solo un pequeño periodo de adaptación a esos cambios…, les comparto algunas fotos de lo que trabajamos durante el mes ….  -- 

Sorry I didnt post anything during this past month ... we have had some changes in our home and our environment, everything is fine, just a little time to adapt to these changes ..., I share some photos of what worked during the month…











Como ven muuuucho lenguaje!!! es SU FAVORITO!!,  ha trabajado sinónimos, antónimos, con las partes de la oración, tuvo presentación del adverbio, pronombre…. continua con las cajas gramaticáles del verbo y adjetivo, y mandátos de adjetivo,…, mi experiencia es que si me quedo mucho tiempo en uno, puede odiarle!!lol,  asi que poco a poco los he ido presentando y trabajándolos, lo que lo hace más divertido para ella y quiere  trabajarlos todo el tiempo!!!  Continúa con sus lecturas y solemos sacar oraciones donde le coloca los símbolos gramaticáles.  Tenemos muchos ratos de lectura y de crear sus propios cuentos.!!

As seen language its a Hit! Her favorite!!, has worked synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, had introduced the adverb, pronoun .... still working with grammatical boxes, verb and adjective, she also works with adjective commands, ..., my experience is that if I stay too long in one, she maybe can hate it! lol, so little by little I have been presenting and working them, making it more fun for her and she wants to work them all the time!  We have our reading time, she also, write some books!!   At the reading time she usually asked for scentences so she can  placed the grammar symbols.















En matemáticas, ha trabajado de todo, con el reloj y la hora, con las estampillas en suma, resta y multiplicación, con los tableros de multiplicación y división, con el abaco y el papel de abaco (no había presentado eso!! q mal!!),  con las cadenas largas el conteo salteado del 3 y 4 (no quiere salir de ahi!!) y el el libro de Montessori at Home, the school years, encontré esta presentación de división corta y me pareció divertida y diferente, se la presenté y no me equivoqué!! le encantó!!

In mathematics, worked around, with the clock and time,  stamp game with addition, subtraction and multiplication, with multiplication and division boards, with small bead frame and the small bead frame paper!! (not presented by then!!soooo bad !), with long chains on skip counting 3 and 4 (not get out of there!) and the book Montessori at Home, the school years, I found this presentation of short division seemed fun and different, introduced her and I was right! loved it!



Partes externas de mamíferos, solo para refrescar, le restan los libritos…..aunque ahora no le encantan, alguna sugerencia??

External parts of mammals, just to refresh!! she have to prepared the booklets, not so happy about it!!  Any suggestions??



Mandatos de América del Norte

North America Geo commands!!



Ahora dedicamos un tiempo para cosas *¨divertidas* para ella, como coser, hacer diseños con *pearl beads*, hacer más arte…. cositas así, comenzamos la mañana ejercitandonos! trabajando con nuestro huerto y descubriendo de una forma divertida!!! (citando sus palabras)!!lol

Now dedicate some time to cool things * ¨ * for her, like sewing, making designs * pearl beads *, make art .... stuff like that, we started the morning with excersices! working with our garden and discovering in a fun way! (quoting her words)! lol

Gracias x visitarnos, por disculparme durante este pasado mes!!lol y por sus lindos comentarios que siempre me hacen el dia!!  Feliz Enseñanza Montessori!!

Thanks for visit us, sorry about my absence, thanks for your sweets comments that put a little sparkle on my days!!  and of course, Happy Montessori Teaching!!

9 comentarios:

arianne dijo...

I love how thorough you are with your kids. They are lucky. Hopefully we can accomplish half as much at our house. Have a wonderful week. Sorry I've been too sick and pregnant to connect much lately. Hopefully you're doing well. Hugs!

Karen dijo...

Hi Arianne!!! Soo happy for your visit!! You're sooo sweet!!! I know how its hard been soo pregnant!! and have more!!! dont worry!! I so nice heard from you and when I read your posts I almost feel we are "talking"!!!lol Hugs!!

Stephanie dijo...

Wow! What a great month! You guys did so much great work! I love love love it! I think that I will need to try and find that division work for Bunny! I think that she will love it too! Happy Schooling!

Anónimo dijo...

Mucho trabajo!!
Felicidades y gracias por compartirlo!!

Karen dijo...

Hi Stephanie! Thank you!! I know Bunny will love it! Its fun!! Thanks for pupping by! Big Hugs!!!,

Karen dijo...

Hola Ivonne!! Gracias!!! Que rico escucharte x aqui! Un abrazo!

trece dijo...

Menudo trabajo. Felicidades por el trabajo.
Un saludo,

My Boys' Teacher dijo...

Tell me more about the clock work on the iPad!

Karen dijo...

HI MBT!! The app names its Mingoville Aprende la hora... have several languages, Im sendind you the app to your e'mail., dont know from here.... too bad!!LOL