viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

Que ha pasado?? // What’s going on??

Hola!! les cuento he estado super inactiva en el mundo de los blogs!!, estuvimos las tres princesas…me incluyo!!lol con Influenza cerca de semana y media.  Gracias a Dios ya estamos super bien y a la carga!!  Antes de que nos enfermaramos paseamos por Isabela, Aguadilla y Mayaguez…. aqui algunas fotos!  // Hi! I've been super inactive in the blogging world!,  the three princesses ... including me! lol had influenza about week and a half. Thank God we're super good and trying to get on the track again! Before we got sick….we had a little trip to Isabela, Aguadilla and Mayaguez .... Here some pictures!


Mi princesa moria por retratarse con el indio!!lol // She wants so badly a picture there!


Al lado del indio, hay una cueva donde de comen unas ricas empanadas de jueyes y pina colada!! // There it’s a cave, where you can eat “empanadas de jueyes” and pina coladas!






En el Parque Colon en Aguadilla, jugamos corrimos bici y se subieron por todos lados!!lol //  Here at the Colon Park at Aguadilla, she rides bici, ran and climb everywhere!!




Mi princesita ya perdio su primer diente!! ayyyy, Gracias a Dios se le cayo solito…y no lo encontrabamos!!lol… pero lo encontre!!  La visito el Hada de los Dientes y le trajo unos chavitos!!  // Big princess lost her 1st tooth!! she received a visit from the Tooth Fairy and bring her money!!

Gracias x visitarnos y Feliz Ensenanza Montessori!!  // Thanks for visit us and Happy Montessori Teaching!!

2 comentarios:

Stephanie dijo...

Congratulations on the lost tooth!!!!!! Your princess looks like such a big girl! Your trip looks like it was a lot of fun! I hope that you are feeling better!!! Nothing is worse then everyone being sick with the flu.
:( Glad that you are back!

Karen dijo...

Thank you my friend!!! and yes...we feeling better!! and we start school again. Yes...she looks sooo big!!OMG I'm glad I'm back too!!!!lol HUGS!